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Welcome Prospective Students,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Cape Fear Academy! In 学生生活, the area overseen by the Dean of Students, 我们专注于学生在课堂外接受的教育. 尽管我们意识到学术生活将是CFA事业的核心, we are dedicated to the idea that learning continues, 超越了传统课堂的门槛,变得更有意义了吗. 我们创造的这个至关重要的“课堂之外的课堂”的另一个词是社区. The community we build together here is critical to the training students receive to become the leaders each are expected to be upon graduation from CFA. 因此, 你对社区的参与和参与是一种期望,而不仅仅是事后的想法.


Dean of Students

Ready to learn more? 联系 our 冰球突破豪华版s Team 安排亲自或虚拟访问,看看开普菲尔学院的运作.